Studio Noteriale Viola Petani ofron përgatitijen e çdo materiali apo akti noterial.
Studio Noteriale Viola Petani ofron përgatitijen e çdo materiali apo akti noterial.
Legal consultancy regarding the legal form obirth, change, termination of legal obligations or other contractual relations. Consulting in drawing up contracts of all kinds. Drafting of documents, acts, representation in court, in defense of debtor or creditor clients against second level banks.
“Studio Ligjore Petani” gjithashtu ju ofron shërbime nga Avokat ekspertë të fushës së Sigurimeve, dëmit ekzistencial e moral, material dhe të fitimit të munguar në interes të palëve të dëmtuara shkaktuar nga aksidentet rrugore apo nëpërmjet mjeteve motorike rrugore, hekurudhore, detare dhe ajrore , si dhe aksidentet e shkaktuara nga zjarri.
“Petani Law Firm” has in its composition the capacity for good expertise with maritime practices defined in the Maritime Code of the Republic of Albania, which regulates legal, economic and social relations in the maritime field, establishing rules on the rights and obligations of entities that exercise maritime activity and have legal responsibility over the […]
Issues of legal and testamentary inheritance. Drafting requests for verification of the legal status of the property. The legal regime of ownership and co-ownership of litigants. Monitoring of all real estate registration procedures at the State Cadastre Agency, in cooperation with the Notary Studio. Consulting for persons interested in ways of acquiring ownership, the legal […]
The criminal lawyers of “Petani Law Firm” with a long experience in the criminal sector are experts in criminal cases near all competent bodies. Seeking civil damage, moral damage and lost profit in the interest of the injured parties from the parties who incurred the damage either due to legal-civil, criminal or administrative action. The […]
Petani Law Firm specializes in administrative practices related to the issuance of permits, special authorizations, etc., which are necessary for the development of special commercial activities. Consulting and preparation of all necessary documentation for participation in concession or privatization procedures. Representation or mediation in disputes related to concessions/privatization, with natural or legal persons. Follow-up consultancy […]
Studio jonë ofron shërbim në fushën e pronësisë intelektuale në përgatitjen e dokumentacionit të nevojshëm për regjistrimin kombëtar apo ndërkombëtar pranë Drejtorisë së Përgjithëshme të Patentave dhe Markave, të markave tregtare, patentave, dizenjove industriale, treguesve gjeografikë, përfshirë këtu aplikimin dhe regjistrimin e patentave kombëtare dhe ndërkombëtare dhe ndjekjen e këtyre proçedurave pranë institucioneve përkatëse.
The lawyers and staff of “Petani Law Firm” are focused and particularly specialized in an explicit manner on Merchants and Commercial Companies in terms of all forms of their organization and operation in the Republic of Albania. From the Establishment of Commercial Companies, the Act of Establishment and the Statute to any document that provides […]
Administrative law regulates the executive branch of government in relation to the administration and governance of the state. It regulates the legal relations of the state and its citizens. Assistance and legal protection for administrative matters, at every stage and degree of trial. Assistance and appeal drafting against individual administrative acts. Assistance in concluding contracts […]